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 Profile: iMe

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Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-07-23
Age : 31

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PostSubject: Profile: iMe   Profile: iMe I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 12:53 am

Profile: iMe 3939852

This is the first major mainland girlband, and Top Combine’s company juniors.

iMe is composed of a member each from Thailand and Korea and three members from last year’s Super Girls competition (Chinese Idol for females). The group is a collaboration between Hunan Broadcasting Systems company eeMedia and Korean company DoReMi. Not only is the group international, but the Chinese group members themselves show diversity from both the east and west sides of China. The leader, Li Yuanxi, from Sichuan, and can speak Sichuanese, Liu Meihan, the youngest, from Guangzhou, can speak Cantonese, and the third Chinese member can speak both, having lived in both provinces.

This group is able to speak 7 languages/dialects fluently!
1. Mandarin
2. Cantonese
3. Sichuanese
4. Thai
5. Korean
6. Japanese (Liu Meihan's major)
7. German (assuming Na Lin learned from her father)
8. English (Liu Meihan's other major)

Profile: iMe 3939879
Name: 李媛希 (Li Yuan Xi)
English: Mocika
Prefix: Fashion Princess/Fashionista (时尚公主)
Birthday: February 10, 1990
Birthplace: Ya An, Sichuan
School: Sichuan University of Electronic Science and Technology

Profile: iMe 3939884
Name: 刘美含 (Liu Mei Han)
English: Mikan
Prefix: Sweet Turbulence (甜美小妮)
Japanese: 工藤新子 (gong teng xin zi)
Birthday: April 9, 1991
Birthplace: Xiangtan, Hunan
School: Beijing Foreign Language University (Major Japanese + English)

Profile: iMe 3939885
Name: 易易紫 (Yi Yi Zi)
English: Niki
Prefix: Confident Angel (自信天使)
Birthday: November 8, 1987
Birthplace: Chengdu, Sichuan

Profile: iMe 3939886
Name: 那琳 (Na Lin)
Thai: นลินธารา โฮเลอร์
English: "Sara" Nalintara Hohler (her father is German)
Prefix: Sexy Kitty (奔放小猫)
Birthday: December 2, 1986
Birthplace: Chiangmai, Thailand
School: Thammasat University

Profile: iMe 3939887
Name: 沈泫京 (Sheng Xuan Jing)
Korean:심현경 (Shim Hyun Kyung)
Prefix: Ice Beauty (冷艳美女)
Birthplace: Bucheon, South Korea
School: 10 year SM trainee

Credit to Cfensi
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Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-07-23
Age : 31

Profile: iMe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Profile: iMe   Profile: iMe I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 12:55 am

Does anyone have more pics of them? I tend to not keep very many on my computer...
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Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-07-23
Age : 27

Profile: iMe Empty
PostSubject: Re: Profile: iMe   Profile: iMe I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 12:19 pm

Profile: iMe 2a142cf314856bf50a46e0ccProfile: iMe C038520eba25cbf47acbe14bProfile: iMe 573e62a72cd24ea8d043585dProfile: iMe Ae3e4b608a87d27feaf8f86eProfile: iMe A0c6f1001f527c2d738b652eProfile: iMe 50e0713d81e044d03d6d97b4Profile: iMe Aac9772ccaf376d08a1399e0Profile: iMe 69be7ef83e8d619eb58f31acProfile: iMe Af2c8fc32f013f69b319a8e3Profile: iMe 657775fba773f02a6d22ebbb
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PostSubject: Re: Profile: iMe   Profile: iMe I_icon_minitime

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