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 Profile: Wang Leehom

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Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-07-23
Age : 31

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PostSubject: Profile: Wang Leehom   Profile: Wang Leehom I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 3:14 pm

Profile: Wang Leehom 3944509
About Lee Hom:
Chinese Name: 王力宏
English Name: Lee Hom Wang
Christian Name: Alexander
Japanese Name: Ou Riki Hiroshi
Birthday: May 17, 1976
Ethnicity: Taiwanese
Astrological Sign: Taurus
Zodiac: Dragon
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 150lb
Birthplace: Rochester, New York
Blood Type: O
Family: Parents, Older Brother Leo (+3 yrs), Younger Brother Lee Kai (-9 yrs)
Elementary School: Pittsford Elementary School – Pittsford, New York
High School: Sutherland High School – Pittsford, New York
Undergraduate: Williams College – Williamstown, Massachusetts (Graduated with Honors in Music, Minor in Asian Studies)
Graduate School: Berklee School of Music – Boston, Massachusetts
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 20083, Rochester, NY 14602, USA
Boyband: N'Sync
Admired Singer: Stevie Wonder
Subject: Jazz Piano
Animal: Dog (Rotweiller)
Color: Blue
Sport: Baseball
Food: Japanese cuisine, Peking Duck, Pizza, Coconut, Zonghui Sandwich, Grapefruit Juice
Hobby: Baseball, Music, Drawing, Movie, Drama, Creating, Making
Movies: 8 1/2, 夜訪吸血鬼, 刺激1995, Little Women, Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, Farewell My Concubine, A Clockwork Orange
Type of Movie: Science Fiction
Country: Taiwan
Attire: T-shirt & Jeans
Quote: "It's all good."
♡composes music
♡writes lyrics
♡acts in musicals
♡plays violin, piano, acoustic guitar, vibraphone/xylophone, er-hu, drums, accordion, bass, harmonica, electric guitar
♡speaks Mandarin, French, bits of Cantonese & Japanese
♥Leehom's father is a doctor (pediatrician)
♥Leehom's mother business-manager and an amateur opera singer
♥After Leehom's parents graduated from university in Taiwan, they went to the United States to further their studies.
♥Leehom's elder brother Lee-De, Leo, is 3 years older than Leehom. He's also a doctor (currently residing in Chicago). Lee-De also plays the violin. He married on 5th June 1998, when he was 24. His wife Stacy, is also a doctor.
♥Leo has finely tuned debating skills. His uncanny ability to win arguments won him many competitions in the past.
♥Leehom's younger brother, Lee-Kai, is 9 years younger than Leehom. Lee-Kai can play the piano.
♥Leehom's Grandma who lives in Taiwan is nearly 80 years old now. According to Leehom, she is a modern Granny who knows to go to concerts and is active in social activities. She was the History teacher of the host of "Super Sunday".
♥Leehom is left-handed.
♥His close friends are David Tao, Shunza, Coco Lee, Eason, Jeff Chang, Mavis Fan, William So, Peter Ho and Vivian Hsu.
♥Why doesn't he use his Christian name 'Alexander'? When Leehom was about to go to Primary School, Wang Mama wanted Leehom to choose the name he wanted to use: Alexander or Leehom. He chose Leehom with the reason that it is more unique than Alexander.
♥Leehom has perfect pitch! This means that he can sing out the accurate pitches of notes without the aid of any instruments. Pretty fantastic, eh? Not many people can do that!
♥Leehom can do the splits!
♥Leehom brushes his teeth before doing any recording.
♥Leehom pastes the enlarged lyrics all over the wall.
♥"The Bite That Burns" was a play written by Leehom when he was 21. It was a Broadway work which comprises of opera, Broadway and the films. The score of the electronic-symphony orchestra is more than 570 pages in length
♥Leehom loves wearing shoes without wearing socks.
♥The fastest way to bore Leehom: History books
♥Together with his elder brother, Leehom worked as a paper boy for 7 years since he was 8. He said that this experience trained him to be honest, responsible and industrious.
♥Leehom owns a studio in New York, named "Homeboy Studios".
♥Leehom said he wrote his song "Julia" in 5 minutes when he got his hair cut
♥Leehom's first girlfriend sang the background music over the monologue in 'wo yao' (Wei Yi Album - Track 10)
♥One eye near-sighted, one eye far-sighted
Credit to and Crunchyroll
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Posts : 21
Join date : 2010-07-23
Age : 31

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PostSubject: Re: Profile: Wang Leehom   Profile: Wang Leehom I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 7:05 pm

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Posts : 20
Join date : 2010-07-23
Age : 27

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PostSubject: Re: Profile: Wang Leehom   Profile: Wang Leehom I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 09, 2010 7:02 pm

waaah thank you <3
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